Saturday, February 19, 2011

World famous Eli Brookner Feb. 23rd

The IEEE-APS Boston is on the edge of its seat in anticipation for the seminar next week.
On February 23rd (Wednesday), the world famous Dr. Eli Brookner of Raytheon will present a seminar entitled, "Never Ending Saga of Phased Array Breakthroughs" at 6pm. See the abstract below for more information. We are elated to be apart of this joint meeting with AES, GRSS, MTT, and SPS

This seminar will be located at the MIT Lincoln Laboratory A-Cafe, 244 Wood Street, Lexington, MA. For directions please see:

For more details, please visit:

We encourage you to bring friends and colleagues to this events. Can't wait to see you there.

Christy F. Cull, AP-S

Dr. Eli Brookner Abstract

AESAs (Active Electronically Steered Arrays) with digital beamforming at element; 5X power of GaAs in same footprint using GaN; Extreme MMIC of 4 X-band T/Rs on SiGe chip, <$10/TR; ; 20 million element and T/R module X-band AESA in ISIS aeroship; Low cost S and X-band AESA programs around the world; Ultra low cost 77GHz radar on chip; Metamaterials: 1. Focus 6X diffraction limit at 0.38 μm, 40X at 375 MHz, 2. Used in cell phones providing antennas 5X smaller which simultaneously serve GPS, Blue Tooth, Wi Max and WiFi; low cost 240GHz 4.2x3.2x0.15 cm2, 5 gm frequency scan radar for bird inspired robots and crawler robots; Lincoln Lab using 2W chip increases spurious free dynamic range of receiver plus A/D by 20 dB; JPL’s SweepSAR provides wide swath SAR from space with 1/6th power required by ScanSAR; 3, 4, 6 face “Aegis” systems developed by China, Japan, Australia, Netherlands, USA; High resolution ISAR imaging of tank moving over rough terrain using Geometric Invariant Technique (GIT), Principal Components method and S-method; Iridium/GPS (IGPS) Positioning Navigation and Timing (PNT) system able to locate objects to within 1 cm in minute; potential for terahertz clock speeds using grapheme transistors and use of electron spin for memory.

Image 1 Image 2 Image 3

Dr. Eli Brookner received his BEE from The City College of the City of New York, ’53, MEE and DrSc from Columbia University ’55 and ’62.

He has been at the Raytheon Company since 1962, where he is a Principal Engineering Fellow. There he has worked on the ASDE-X airport radar, ASTOR Air Surveillance Radar, RADARSAT II, Affordable Ground Based Radar (AGBR), major Space Based Radar programs, NAVSPASUR S-Band upgrade, CJR, COBRA DANE, PAVE PAWS, MSR, COBRA JUDY, THAAD, Brazilian SIVAM, SPY-3, Patriot, BMEWS, UEWR, Surveillance Radar Program (SRP), Pathfinder marine radar, Long Range Radar and COBRA DANE Upgrade. Prior to Raytheon he worked on radar at Columbia University Electronics Research Lab. [now RRI], Nicolet and Rome AF Lab.

Dr. Eli Brookner PhotoHe received the IEEE 2006 Dennis J. Picard Medal for Radar Technology & Application “For Pioneering Contributions to Phased Array Radar System Designs, to Radar Signal Processing Designs, and to Continuing Education Programs for Radar Engineers”; IEEE ’03 Warren White Award; Journal of the Franklin Institute Premium Award for best paper award for 1966; IEEE Wheeler Prize for Best Applications Paper for 1998. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, AIAA, and MSS.

He has published four books: Tracking and Kalman Filtering Made Easy, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1998; Practical Phased Array Antenna Systems (1991), Aspects of Modern Radar (1988), and Radar Technology (1977), Artech House. He gives courses on Radar, Phased Arrays and Tracking around the world (25 countries). Over 10,000 have attended these courses. He was banquet speaker and keynote speaker nine times. He has over 110 papers, talks and correspondences to his credit. In addition, he has over 80 invited talks and papers.

March 22, 2011, 6pm at MIT/LL main cafe.
A AP-S & AES joint meeting with Duane J. Matthiesen from Technia
Consulting, who will present to us his thoughts on, Efficient Beam
Scanning, Energy Allocation, and Time Allocation for Search and
Abstract — Recently-developed unique and innovative concepts for
efficient radar search and detection are reviewed. These results
provide answers to the two fundamental search questions: (1) Where
should the radar beam point during the next increment of search effort
(energy and time)? (2) How much radar effort should be expended
during the next increment of search effort? These results provide the
most efficient allocation of radar search effort in both space and
time which maximizes target detection performance and minimizes radar
search energy and time. Typical savings of several dB of radar
power-aperture product and/or expected (average) detection time are
obtained. These new techniques are practical and can be used in the
next generation of radars with agile beams and variable-energy search
waveforms. Furthermore, the problem formulation and solution are
very general, so these search and detection techniques developed for
radar can also be applied to other both active (transmitting and
receiving) and passive (receive only) electronic sensors: optical,
IR, UV, sonar, seismic, passive RF, astronomy, etc.

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